25 Best Mythology Blogs and Websites in 2024

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The best Mythology blogs from thousands of Book blogs on the web and ranked by traffic, social media followers & freshness.

Mythology Blogs

Here are 25 Best Mythology Blogs you should follow in 2024

1. The Norse Mythology Blog

The Norse Mythology Blog Dr. Karl E. H. Seigfried is a writer on mythology and religion. He is an Adjunct Professor & Pagan Chaplain at Illinois Institute of Technology. This blog reflects into a deep knowledge of this ancient religion, along with an affable spirit.
Blog norsemyth.org
Facebook Followers 247.2KTwitter Followers 18.1K Frequency 1 post / quarter Since Mar 2010 Domain Authority 42 Get Email Contact Get Influential Bloggers ContactsGet access to 250k active Bloggers in 1500 niche categories.Get targeted media contact list in your niche at your fingertips so you can focus on running your campaign.Email us the type of bloggers you want to reach out for your marketing campaign at anuj@feedspot.com Copy email. We'll share blogger's data in an Excel or CSV format.

2. Devdutt Pattanaik Myths

Devdutt Pattanaik Myths Devdutt Pattanaik writes on relevance of mythology in modern times, especially in areas of management, governance and leadership. Follow this blog to find articles that helps you to leverage the power of myth in business, management and life.
Blog devdutt.com
Facebook Followers 595.3KTwitter Followers 741.1KInstagram Followers 184.2K Frequency 4 posts / week Since Aug 2005 Domain Authority 49 Get Email Contact

3. The Association for the Study of Women and Mythology | ASWM Blog

The Association for the Study of Women and Mythology | ASWM Blog ASWM is an association of scholars and artists whose work deals with the intersection of women and mythology. Their mission is to encourage scholars and artists to explore how women have been depicted in mythology as well as the impact of such interpretation on women.
Blog womenandmyth.org
Facebook Followers 52.1K Frequency 8 posts / month Since Oct 2008 Domain Authority 23 Get Email Contact

4. Myths and Legends

Myths and Legends A podcast that tells the original tales behind legendary stories from folklore, in an updated and interesting way. Follow this blog to Listen individual episodes, explore discussion posts, and see pictures, art, and maps from the stories.
Blog mythpodcast.com
Facebook Followers 15.1KTwitter Followers 330 Frequency 2 posts / week Since May 2015 Domain Authority 48 Get Email Contact

5. Incidental Mythology

Incidental Mythology Vivian Asimos has a PhD on virtual narratives and mythology. At Incidental Mythology, she explores how our current stories, the popular culture around us, are our mythology. Its not mythology through some machinations of corporate capitalists who only want more money from our interest. They're myths because they just are, incidentally.
Blog incidentalmythology.com
Facebook Followers 195Twitter Followers 440Instagram Followers 238 Frequency 12 posts / year Since May 2016 Domain Authority 8 Get Email Contact

6. Hellenic Moon Blog

Hellenic Moon Blog Hellenic Moon's weekly blog covers various topics relevant to Greek mythology. Learn all about how the planets were named after Greek and Roman gods, Zodiac signs, and many more things. Hellenic Moon is a resource created by a group of Greek Mythology Freaks who like to study in further detail about the ancient world and how it evolved.
Blog hellenicmoon.com
Frequency 1 post / week Domain Authority 8 Get Email Contact

7. Mythlok - Popular Mythologies from Around the World

Mythlok - Popular Mythologies from Around the World Discover a world of enchanting myths with Mythlok's diverse blogs on mythologies from around the globe. Immerse yourself in Greek epics, Norse sagas, and Egyptian mysteries, while also uncovering lesser-known tales from Africa, Asia, and Native America. Enter a world filled with characters you love, hate, get inspired by and want to destroy.
Blog mythlok.com
Facebook Followers 4KInstagram Followers 8 Frequency 13 posts / week Domain Authority 34 Get Email Contact

8. Greek Myth Comix

Greek Myth Comix Find resources for learning Greek myths and for understanding classic comics on this blog.
Blog greekmythcomix.com
Facebook Followers 2.6KTwitter Followers 9.6K Frequency 2 posts / week Since Jan 2014 Domain Authority 37 Get Email Contact

9. Mythology Matters | Matters of Myth, and Why Myth Matters

Mythology Matters | Matters of Myth, and Why Myth Matters This blog is authored by Arthur George. It provides information about mythology, religion, philosophy, and depth psychology.
Blog mythologymatters.wordpress.com
Frequency 2 posts / quarter Since May 2014 Domain Authority 18 Get Email Contact

10. Mythology

Mythology Henry Zaidan is the author of this blog. He searches Art History for Beautiful works that may, or may not, have a secondary or unexpected story to tell. Here he writes short summaries that grow from his research.
Blog painting-mythology.blogspot.com
Facebook Followers 472Twitter Followers 1.2K Frequency 1 post / week Since Mar 2015 Domain Authority 23 Get Email Contact

11. Essex Myth

Essex Myth The blog promotes the study of myth, from ancient to modern, and raises awareness of the importance of myth within the contemporary world
Blog essexmyth.wordpress.com
Facebook Followers 1KTwitter Followers 1.9K Frequency 6 posts / year Since Feb 2011 Domain Authority 16 Get Email Contact

12. Mythology and Autism | Susan Deacy

Mythology and Autism | Susan Deacy On hearing that autistic students often respond to learning about classical mythology I started wondering why this might be the case and whether, as a classicist whose research focuses around myth, I might be able to contribute to moves to reach autistic people. I began this blog in 2009 to report on my progress though areas including disability studies, comparative methods and dramatherapy.
Blog myth-autism.blogspot.com
Frequency 11 posts / year Since Feb 2009 Domain Authority 15 Get Email Contact

13. Terri Windling | Myth & Moor

Terri Windling | Myth & Moor Musings from a Dartmoor studio on folklore, fairy tales, fantasy,mythic arts & mythic living by Terri Windling.
Blog terriwindling.com
Twitter Followers 15.8KInstagram Followers 220 Since May 2008 Domain Authority 49 Get Email Contact

14. Ali's Blog | Guardian of irish mythology

Ali's Blog | Guardian of irish mythology On this blog, you will find tales and characters from the old mythologies, local folk-lore, and images and experiences from my visits to Ireland's ancient sites. If you don't know anything about Irish mythology, this is as good a place to start as any. I hope you enjoy the journey.
Blog aliisaacstoryteller.com
Facebook Followers 854Twitter Followers 2.5KInstagram Followers 1K Since Dec 2012 Domain Authority 37 Get Email Contact

15. Earth and Starry Heaven | We Are Star Stuff

Earth and Starry Heaven | We Are Star Stuff A blog about mythology, the stars, and the new mythology, comics. Follow this blog to explore ideas and get reactions and suggestions from the author.
Blog earthandstarryheaven.com
Twitter Followers 42 Since Jan 2015 Domain Authority 30 Get Email Contact

16. Mythology and Folklore Readings

Mythology and Folklore Readings This blog contains great educational resource for studying Myth & Folklore taught at the University of Oklahoma.
Blog mythfolklore.blogspot.com
Twitter Followers 8.7K Since Apr 2016 Domain Authority 22 Get Email Contact

17. Decode Hindu Mythology

Decode Hindu Mythology A blog to decode and understand the complex myths of Hinduism and allied mythologies.
Blog decodehindumythology.blogspot.com
Facebook Followers 37.7KTwitter Followers 5.7K Since Jun 2011 Domain Authority 28 Get Email Contact

18. MythBlogs Myth Crafts

MythBlogs Myth Crafts Welcome to MythCrafts! This is our playground for sharing the myths/folk stories/tales of the weird that we love. So take a look around, dive into the blogs, and share your feedback with us. Enjoy the experience, sincerely - the MythCrafts team.
Blog mythcrafts.com
Facebook Followers 1.7KTwitter Followers 9.5K Frequency 2 posts / year Domain Authority 19 Get Email Contact

19. Norse And Viking Ramblings

Norse And Viking Ramblings A gentle wanders through the Viking world. Here you will find his teachings and research into Old Norse language and literature and the Viking Age. The purpose of this blog is to record experiences and observations from his encounters with Vikings in the media, in popular culture, and on his travels in the Viking world.
Blog norseandviking.blogspot.com
Since Jan 2008 Domain Authority 43 Get Email Contact

20. mythTake

mythTake A fresh take on ancient myth. Stay up to date with the latest posts and some random mythological musings on this blog.
Blog mythtake.blog
Facebook Followers 183Twitter Followers 830 Frequency 1 post / year Since Apr 2016 Domain Authority 21 Get Email Contact

21. Miths of Hinduism | Facts About Aryans

Miths of Hinduism | Facts About Aryans This blog is authored by Anubhav Sharma. Here he describes some facts & realities of Aryans. Also known as Facts of Hindu Mythology. Follow this blog to find hidden facts of Hinduism.
Blog mithsofhinduism.blogspot.com
Facebook Followers 1.7K Since Nov 2010 Domain Authority 12 Get Email Contact

22. Debra May Macleod Blog

Debra May Macleod Blog Vesta is the powerful ancient Roman goddess of the home and sacred hearthfire. For centuries, her eternal fire was kept alight in her temple by the esteemed Vestal Virgins. Here, you'll find Debra May Macleod's bestselling novels on the Vestals of ancient Rome, learn about history, watch videos, visit the gallery, see how Vesta remains relevant in the lives of many people today and even find great wine recommendations for those all-important mealtime libations.
Blog debramaymacleod.com
Frequency 1 post / year Domain Authority 7 Get Email Contact

23. Bill's Greek Mythology

Bill's Greek Mythology A blog about Greek mythology, classical studies, and the Kosmos Society sponsored by Harvard's Center for Hellenic Studies.
Blog shortstories-bill.blogspot.com
Since Apr 2010 Domain Authority 10 Get Email Contact

24. The power of 3M(Management and Marketing in Mythology)

The power of 3M(Management and Marketing in Mythology) Anant Agarrwal writes about integration of Indian mythology with modern management studies and Marketing concepts. Do follow the blog to get the solutions of real life corporate problems from our mythology.
Blog 4anantagarwalmanagmentmythlogy.wordpress.com
Since May 2020 Domain Authority 1 Get Email Contact

25. Spiritual Mythology

Spiritual Mythology In this blog, you will find interesting articles on mythology. Follow the blog to know more.
Blog versatilesoumya.wordpress.com
Since Oct 2020 Domain Authority 1 Get Email Contact

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